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Fun Place

All right, let's try craft some html...

(guess this is only 5% and even less than I thought)

Welcome! blablabla
I create it Here and it looks like ...


Recent playinguhhhh...

  1. Mass Effect: Andromeda
  2. - typo:Anaconda...
  3. Cataclysm-DDA
  4. Final Fantasy XXIV
  5. - I... kind of AFK...

Say something or someth1ng

My music interests

I found myself often, enjoy the electronic ambient vibe music, or synthetic rhythmic ones.
  1. Synthwave
  2. Ambient/Trance/.../(who knows the gen, huh)
  3. MathRock/Midwest-Emo

Favorite music Site:SomaFM!!!


Hope you meet it and fall in love with it, like me.

Not ready to add anything...
